For my actual day photography, I chose Hwee Studios, which was also the same company that Solitaire Bride chose to work with for her actual day. The difference was that I booked a full day actual day session for photography and a half day session for videography with them. They also threw in the videography for our ROM session in the evening as part of the package. Here are some of the works from the actual day with some of the photos taken in the hotel as our favorites. If you head over to Hwee Studios homepage, our video is in their main page. (a surprise for us to be featured as their main couple now)
The moments captured by Hwee Studios.
One of our favorite photos.

** side note: Thanks to my bridesmaid who went to the flower store to help me buy fresh flowers to accessorie my hair. I would highly recommend fresh flower over fake flowers if possible as the fresh flower looks much much better :)