Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Aqua Hair Korean Salon (Review) - C Perm Yay or Neh?

Its been a while since i blogged about something related to beauty. I've been rather constant with my hair stylist as i've become less adventurous with age. I did switch hair salons to seek a change in my looks but have failed miserably to look super stylo. Moroever, in so far no one has beaten the power hair massage of my current hair stylist. 

I am getting quite bored with my constant similar look and i've been googling on korean hair salons for a while. One salon caught my eye in terms of their pricing and reviews (not much to begin with). This suits me as bloggers may skewed their reviews and other popular korean hair salons charge exorbitant rates.

I made a last minute appointment on a weekday and was on my way to a new hair change. I was pretty surprised upon arrival as i was expecting it to be rather quiet. The stylist assigned to be is handling like 3 customers at the same time though each seemed to be in various stages of completion. Though my appointment is at 3.30 pm, i arrived at 3.45 pm, i was attended to at about 4 pm. 
  Stepping into the salon i was a bit surprised that today a weekday is packed with customers. 
 The corner where my hair is transformed for the next 3 hours. 
 The washing area is placed in the centre of the salon. 

I was offered some korean titbits to try but nothing from the titbits blow me away. One of it is a hiro like cake. Cake coated in chocolate that i used to love when i was a kid. 

The before perm messy look. This is a year after my hair rebond. I did cut my hair 3 months before. This is how the unmanageable hair looks like.

The entire process took shorter than i expected, i finished everything at 6.45 pm. The stylist Lina informed me that my hair could last for a year (great!!! i can save loads though i am still skeptical).

While perming my hair, my head weighed a tonne. Fortunately the process is quite fast like 20 minutes max. 

I was pretty freaked as it reminded me of the other time when i permed my hair and it came out look like a poodle dog. 

Fortunately, it started to look better while blow drying but ah i think i look nothing like the model in the pic that i showed the stylist hor? 

They did not do hard sell. The stylish commented that my hair is too dark and needed a hair colour. I informed her that i do not like to colour my hair as its a hassle to re-dye very 1-2 months. She accepted my preference and left it at that. The assistant is selling their treatment hair package and when i firmly say no did not push for other sales. 

Pricing is still reasonable in my opinion (maybe cause i am charged for short hair).

I showed her what hair i like and she did achieve the hair style i wanted. 

I think the hair style that i like did not really suit me and it make my face look longer. Could have been better if i had a fringe? 

Final comments:
I quite like the experience at the salon, i will definitely head back there again for other services and if the hair shape still holds up. 

Review after one month, i quite like my hair as its neater. For a more tidy work look, i will just comb my hair. For a more romantic look, i will just tousled it.

I observed that the hair seems more brittle compared to before the perm and i didn't really take any other special care just the usual shampoo and condition. 

Aqua Hair Korean Salon
Delfi Orchard #03-16
402 Orchard Road

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